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How to Keep Warm in Cold Weather


How to Keep Warm in Cold Weather

The cold weather is here. We all know that staying comfortably warm in winter can be a challenge. For older people, staying comfortably warm is even more important as the cold is more likely to adversely affect them, or aggravate existing medical conditions. At Home Care Assistance, we understand the effect that cold weather can have on the elderly, and have put together this blog tips to provide you with six tips for staying comfortably warm.

Sort Through your Clothing

Staying warm begins with wearing appropriate clothing. Layers can be great if you live in an area that is cold overnight but warms up during the day. Having the right clothing may require getting clothes out of storage, and making sure you have enough clothes in good condition for the cold weather. If you are getting clothes out of storage, make sure you do so safely and either ask a family member to help, or if you receive care from an aged care service, such as Home Care Assistance Gold Coast, ask your local Care Specialist to help you. Your local Care Specialist can also help you create a list and go shopping for anything you need.

Pull out the Blankets

If you have not already, now is the time to pull out your spare blankets and make sure they are clean and ready to go. Put an extra blanket on your bed, and another one near your favorite chair or couch so they are handy and easy to grab. Your home local Care Specialist can help you get the blankets out and ready if you need a hand.

Get your Snakes Ready to use

Something that can increase the cost of heating your house significantly can be if there are gaps under doorways where the heating is escaping. If you have draught snakes, get them out and ready to use again. If you have a draughty door and no snakes, then these can easily be picked up from somewhere like Bunnings.

Check your Heater

There is nothing worse than discovering your heater has stopped working since the last cold months when the first cold snap hits. Heater repair people also tend to get an influx of calls with the first cold snap which can result in longer waiting times for repairs. It is a good idea to turn your heater on and check it is working before it gets too cold so you know the heater will work when you need it.

Close off Rooms

Heating a whole house is much more expensive than heating one or two rooms. Consider where your heater is and whether you need to heat other rooms – or at least whether you need to heat all rooms, all the time. Closing off rooms you don’t use can keep your costs down and make it easier to heat the rooms you do use. Also, if you, for example, only use your bedroom at night, consider not heating it during the day and turning the heater on with enough time to heat the room up before bed.

Find Your Heat Packs

Heat packs such as wheat packs and hot water bottles can be great for keeping you warm over cold months. However, make sure you always follow the instructions, so you do not overheat them and damage them, or burn yourself.

Cold weather is much more bearable if you are prepared. Follow these steps to get yourself or your loved one ready for cold months. If you receive home care from a Care professional, talk to them about getting ready for cold months so they can help you do so safely.

Support of a home care agency like Home Care Assistance, can bring enormous benefit and comfort to your quality of life while living independently at home.  Home Care Assistance has viable solutions when it comes to supporting independent living. For more information, get in touch with us  today.  

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